The University management recognizes the need to offer support to promote research activities and therefore seeks to create an enabling environment for the conduct of research and use of research findings and also, to strengthen research management and coordination. 

The University, through DRIC and in collaboration with other relevant sections in the University, will provide the following research support services: 

  • Set University-wide research agenda; 

  • Ensure that all research protocols go through ethical clearance at the University and any other relevant organization; 

  • Provide research grants for the pursuance of University-wide research agenda; 

  • Provide counterpart funding, where necessary, to promote the engagement in research grants; 

  • Support faculty to attend conferences; 

  • Encourage academic faculties and departments to organize conferences; 

  • Support the evolution and sustenance of journals in the University; 

  • Subscribe to databases that provide relevant information on research funding, ethics and best practices; 

  • Produce a report on research output in the University; 

  • Provide research support services including access to journal databases, micro data repositories, statistical softwares, state-of-the- art laboratories and other library resources that facilitate access to relevant literature and databases; 

  • Organize and/or support training workshops and seminar on proposal writing for research grant and research contract, scholarly writing, publication in impact-factored journals, dissemination and others for research staff of the University; 

  • Promote adherence to research ethics through the Institutional Review Board; 

  • Ensure that principles of intellectual property are upheld in the University; 

  • Provide incentives for outstanding researchers and innovators through the institutionalization of an award scheme.